Monday, November 8, 2021

Can Acid Reflux Cause Vocal Cord Cancer

We have not yet proven that reflux causes laryngeal and vocal cord cancer, but there is strong circumstantial clinical evidence along with bench research to support it 1,7,9,39,114,119-124 we believe that one can get laryngeal cancer without smoking, but not without the presence of reflux 4,39 this section presents six arguments to support. Can acid reflux cause vocal cord cancer. Causes the main cause of acid reflux is improper diet and weak digestive system vocal cords are muscles, and vocal professionals strain them intensely more often and for longer periods than other people therefore, their vocal cords swell and redden more often as a result, they are more sensitive to acidity and other harmful phenomena.

can acid reflux cause vocal cord cancer

Larynx Cancer - Definition, Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms ...

Larynx cancer - definition, causes, risk factors, symptoms

Voice Dysfunction - Adults | Lear Communication

Some possible causes include nasal allergies, acid reflux, vocal cord growths, and tic disorders if symptoms are persistent or bothersome, seeing a doctor can help. The irritation from acid reflux can make you feel like you need to clear your throat a lot, but the harsh motion on your vocal cords can damage them further. drink water, swallow, or exhale forcefully out of your mouth to get the tickle out of your throat without clearing it. coughing can also damage your vocal cords..

more info can acid reflux cause vocal cord cancer---> click here


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