Saturday, November 6, 2021

Can Acid Reflux Cause Rapid Weight Loss

Hi there, thanks for the a2a, i used to suffer from acid reflux for about 3 years or so during which period i did not really lose weights that much in comparison to your case mentioned about you are a growing teenager that requires more energies. Can acid reflux cause rapid weight loss. Gerd however can be silent that is without heartburn or regurgitation, and be can result in the absence of symptoms in addition a loss of typical gerd symptoms like heartburn can be suggestive of the development of be heartburn and regurgita.

can acid reflux cause rapid weight loss

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List of causes of heartburn with acid reflux and weight loss, alternative diagnoses, rare causes, misdiagnoses, patient stories, and much more. About two weeks ago i started constantly feeling nauseous, especially after eating. i went to the doctor, who diagnosed me with acid reflux. i have no heartburn, but i feel super full after eating, i can feel my food in the bottom of my throat for hours after i eat, i still feel sick, sometimes, after eating. nothing ever sounds good, etc. anyway, he prescribed me nexium, which i've been. In everything i read about acid reflux, one of its symptoms is unexplained weight loss. how is it that acid reflux makes you lose weight? i was diagnosed with really bad acid reflux in august 2001(barrium swallow test). the same time i noticed i was losing weight. i lost 10 pounds in 5 months..

more info can acid reflux cause rapid weight loss---> click here


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