Monday, August 30, 2021

I Wake Up With Acid Reflux Every Morning

You can take certain steps to help avoid waking up with acid reflux, including: sleep with your body raised from the waist up by elevating the end of your bed 6 to 9 inches stop eating 3 hours. I wake up with acid reflux every morning. I'm 20 years old & for the past 2 months i've been waking up in the early morning with bad indigestion, i get bad nausea & cannot stop hiccuping,burping & my stomach make's some weird noises i feel so unwell with it all i drink is water, & i do drink alot of water at night could this be why?.

i wake up with acid reflux every morning

Wake up gorgeous

Wake up gorgeous

PillowLink pillowcase substitute wedge pillow, helps acid ...

more info i wake up with acid reflux every morning---> click here


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