Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Can Gerd Cause Runny Nose

A cough and runny nose might seem like seasonal allergy signs, but you might be battling silent reflux, which has similar symptoms left untreated, silent reflux, like acid reflux, can cause. Can gerd cause runny nose. Yes, a runny nose or post nasal drip can cause reflux/heartburn/gerd and reflux can also in turn causes a runny nose or post nasal drip there are many different treatments for allergies that do not cause drowsiness such as claritin, allegra, or zyrtecif you have a history of heart palpitations and do not buy the kind with sudafed in it.

can gerd cause runny nose

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What is that burning feeling in my nose when i bend over

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more info can gerd cause runny nose---> click here


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